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- -< Fasterfox License >-
- Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- License.
- The Original Code is Fasterfox.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- * Tony Gentilcore (gentilac@slu.edu).
- Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005
- the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- Contributor(s):
- * Czech (cs-CZ) - funTomas
- * German (de-DE) - ReinekeFux, geframuc, Team erweiterungen.de
- * Spanish (Argentina) (es-AR) - MorZilla
- * Spanish (Spain) (es-ES) - urko
- * Finnish (fi-FI) - herrahuu
- * French (fr-FR) - Calimo
- * Frisian (fy-NL) - moZes
- * Hebrew (he-IL) - asfaltboy
- * Hungarian (hu-HU) - kami, LocaLiceR
- * Italian (it-IT) - eagleman
- * Japanese (ja-JP) - Norah
- * Korean (ko-KR) - heygom
- * Lithuanian (lt-LT) - garas
- * Dutch (nl-NL) - Fopper, Liesbeth
- * Polish (pl-PL) - teo
- * Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt-BR) - Ghelman
- * Portuguese (Portugal) (pt-PT) - zefranc
- * Russian (ru-RU) - Modex
- * Slovak (sk-SK) - Rony, SlovakSoft
- * Slovenian (sl-SI) - miles
- * Swedish (sv-SE) - lagerstedt, jameka, StiffeL
- * Turkish (tr-TR) - ErkanKaplan, batuhancetin, Fatih
- * Ukrainian (uk-UA) - Sergey Khoruzhin
- * Chinese (Simplified) (zh-CN) - Pudgy, rickcart
- * Chinese (Traditional) (zh-TW) - micwang
- Special thanks to:
- * Nicholas Dower for support, ideas, testing, bug fixing, and of course
- the very wonderful Fasterfox logo!
- Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- The name "Fasterfox", the tagline "Performance and network tweaks for
- Firefox.", and the Fasterfox logo are Copyright (C) 2005 Tony Gentilcore.
- All rights reserved.
- -< Fasterfox Release Notes >-
- ~~~ 2.0.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/30/06 ~~~
- * Added support for Firefox 2.0.
- * Added the following 11 locales:
- - Spanish (Argentina) (es-AR)
- - Spanish (Spain) (es-ES)
- - Frisian (fy-NL)
- - Hungarian (hu-HU)
- - Lithuanian (lt-LT)
- - Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt-BR)
- - Portuguese (Portugal) (pt-PT)
- - Russian (ru-RU)
- - Swedish (sv-SE)
- - Ukrainian (uk-UA)
- - Chinese (Traditional) (zh-TW)
- * Fixed bug which caused OK and Cancel buttons to
- not display properly in some locales and themes.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 1.0.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1/14/06 ~~~
- * Max version is now 1.5.0.* so that minor
- security versions will automatically be
- supported.
- * Fixed problem with prefetching case sensitive
- links.
- * Added Chinese (Simplified) locale, special
- thanks to Pudgy and rickcart.
- * Added Hebrew locale, special thanks to Pavel
- Savchenko.
- * Updated Tⁿrkisch locale.
- * Updated Finnish locale.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 1.0.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12/11/05 ~~~
- * Added updated German locale.
- * Added Slovenian locale, special thanks to miles.
- * Added Korean locale, special thanks to heygom.
- * Added Finnish locale, special thanks to Lauri
- Lahnasalo.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 1.0.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12/8/05 ~~~
- * Now checks robots.txt before prefetching.
- * Options window now properly resizes for larger
- font themes. Special thanks to Teo for the XUL
- help.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 1.0.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12/5/05 ~~~
- * Added "whitelist" feature to specify sites which
- should never have their pages prefetched.
- * Added FastBack rendering setting.
- * Moved Fasterfox options to within the designated
- options in the extension manager.
- * Added link to Fasterfox Options to the page load
- timer context menu.
- * Page load timer and enhanced prefetching are now
- separate from the presets.
- * Added cs-CZ locale, special thanks to funTomas.
- * Added sk-SK locale, special thanks to Rony,
- SlovakSoft.
- * Now limits links prefetched per page to 100.
- * Included extra error check for poorly formatted
- links.
- * Enhanced prefetching is now disabled by default.
- * en-US locale updates:
- - Added whitelist.label
- - Added fastback.label
- - Added fastback.pagesInMem
- - Added fastback.desc
- - Added button.ok
- - Added button.cancel
- - Added pageload.options
- - Added pageload.neverPrefetch (for future use)
- - Added options.title
- - Changed main.tab
- - Changed main.captionLabel
- - Changed enablePrefetching.desc1
- - Changed enablePrefetching.desc2
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.8.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/20/05 ~~~
- * Corrected typo in page load timer preferences.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.8.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/9/05 ~~~
- * Users of locales which are not yet supported
- will now see English instead of German as the
- default locale.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.8.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/4/05 ~~~
- * Prefetching URL comparisons are no longer case
- sensitive. This fixes several known bugs.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.7.9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/26/05 ~~~
- * Added Deutsch (de-DE) localization. Special
- thanks to Gerald Frankl and Oliver Roth.
- * Added Castellano (es-ES) localization. Special
- thanks to Raul Gonzalez Duque.
- * Updated PortuguΩs-Brasil (pt-BR) localization.
- Special thanks to Marcelo Ghelman.
- * Increased max version to 1.5.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.7.8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/19/05 ~~~
- * Added PortuguΩs-Brasil (pt-BR) localization.
- Special thanks to R. Nicolßs L≤pez (aka MorZilla).
- * Fixed bug which could cause user to get stuck
- on a preferences tab in rare cases. Special
- thanks to Bryan Burke for this bug fix.
- * Updated several strings in the Italian locale.
- * Tweaked row alignment in the preferences dialog.
- * Added .jpeg, .text, and .xml to the list of
- extensions which are safe to prefetch. Thanks to
- Johnny Weare for this suggestion.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.7.7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/16/05 ~~~
- * Added Castellano-Argentina (es-AR) localization.
- Special thanks to R. Nicolßs L≤pez (aka MorZilla).
- * Added Franτais (fr-FR) localization. Special
- thanks to Xavier Robin.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.7.6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/9/05 ~~~
- * Added Japanese (ja-JP) localization. Special
- thanks to Norah.
- * Fixed bug which caused the disable popups
- checkbox not to be populated when reopening the
- preferences if the last tab used was the popups
- tab.
- * Added new strings into pl-PL locale.
- * Localized the "Close" button in the about
- dialog.
- * Corrected typo in HTTP connection prefs.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.7.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/9/05 ~~~
- * Added Nederlands (nl-NL) localization. Special
- thanks to Liesbeth.
- * Licensed Fasterfox under the MPL 1.1.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.7.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/7/05 ~~~
- * Added Italiano (it-IT) localization. Special
- thanks to Giacomo Margarito.
- * Fixed bug with pl-PL locale in Firefox 1.0.x.
- Note, this bug was my mistake, the locale created
- by Leszek(teo)Zyczkowski was good.
- * Localized extension description.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.7.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/6/05 ~~~
- * Added support for Firefox 1.5 Beta 2.
- * Fixed bug which caused some Firefox 1.0.x
- users to get stuck on a tab after pressing the
- cancel button. Special thanks to Karl for this
- bug fix.
- * Localized Page Load Timer.
- * Added Polski (pl-PL) localization. Special
- thanks to Leszek(teo)Zyczkowski.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.7.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/4/05 ~~~
- * Added Tⁿrkisch (tr-TR) localization. Special
- thanks to Erkan Kaplan.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.7.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/4/05 ~~~
- * Resolved compatibility conflict with the
- "Forecastfox" extension.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.7.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10/3/05 ~~~
- * Added Fasterfox Page Load Timer to status bar.
- * Fixed bug which caused settings to not be saved
- in Firefox 1.0.x if the OK button was pressed on a
- preference pane other than Fasterfox.
- * Now automatically opens to most recently used
- tab in Fasterfox preferences.
- * Fixed bug which, in very rare cases, still
- causes logout page to be prefetched. Special
- thanks to Kai Risku for this fix.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.6.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/26/05 ~~~
- * Fixed bug which causes preferences to sometimes
- not be saved properly in Firefox 1.5 Beta.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.6.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/26/05 ~~~
- * Fixed bug which causes Fasterfox to log out the
- user from certain websites.
- * Now only prefetches static content with the
- extension htm, html, txt, pdf, gif, jpg, or png.
- * As another measure to stop enhanced prefetching
- from following "logout" links, links which contain
- the word "logout" or "logoff" are now ignored.
- * All UI text has been extracted into DTDs and
- an en-US localization has been created. Now seeking
- translators for additional locales.
- * Reorganized layout of cache tab.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.6.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/23/05 ~~~
- * Fixed bug which caused advanced tabs to always
- be displayed in Firefox 1.5 Beta 1.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.6.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/23/05 ~~~
- * Fixed bug which sometimes caused advanced tabs
- to not be displayed when the "Custom" preset is
- selected in Firefox 1.5 Beta 1.
- * Added option to remove submenu delay.
- * Resolved possible conflict with other extensions
- which overlay the Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 Preferences.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.6.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/22/05 ~~~
- * Added support for Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 (Deer
- Park).
- * Now hides tabs for advanced options if "Custom"
- preset is not selected.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~ 0.5.8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/21/05 ~~~
- * Initial published release.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~